Friday, September 4, 2009


Hey everyone. I decided to try out blogging about my more active hobby which is playing World of Warcraft with my friends in my guild "Soul Society" on the Proudmoore US server.

I've written/blogged on the web before on Live Journal when I was active in the anime/manga fandom but after I had to leave that industry, for the time being, I really lost my incentive to write.

I don't profess to be a professional or literate writer but I hope to share my thoughts and views with others who may happen upon my perspective.

For those wondering about my hunter, I named her after Riza Hawkeye from Hagaren. When I created her back during vanilla WOW and being Alliance a dwarf female did not have the appeal or the hair style I wanted for the character. Her name is Risa because Riza was taken on the server.

I hope to talk about my other characters but we'll see how things go and how often I will be active.

Thanks all for your interest!

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